SQL for Freshers

This is fully helpful for sql freshers.
When you click on the SQL server , you will get the following screen, this is the SQL server 2014 software. where you can find the all the databases from the left side screen under object explorer.
Databases folder contains the list databases that are created under this server.


If you want to create a table using this software (without query) then follow the steps.
Click on the Plus(+) symbol in front of your database, then you can find


Then Right click on the Tables folder. select New-->Table as

Next Step--->

Then wite the ColumnName and DataType and click on Allow Nulls checks if you want to allow nulls


Here I was create 3 fields
1.ID :data type is int and which doesnot allow nulls
2.Name : data type is nvarchar(MAX) and which doesnot allow nulls
3.Address : data type is nvarchar(MAX) and which allow nulls
Then close the right side table window as


Then it will ask you to save the table


Click on Yes

Give the Table Name and Click on Ok
Now your table is created.
You can check in---Database-->tables-->

Here is the Table_1 which we created.
I want to enter the data in this Table_1, Then
Right click on the Table_1 and select Edit top 200 rows


Enter the values in this table according to the data type.


  1. spectacular explanation.......satish...you have a bright future...i havent find this solution in google any where..thnk you very much

  2. Had an excellent insight on SQL server......Thanks for the postings Satish Dadi

  3. Thanks for the valuable information......Sathish Dadi.....Truly, it is very useful blog for beginners.

  4. Thank you Samatha , sabarish m and sony
